Consider E-commerce

Dixon Accounting is now offering E-commerce Solutions

Consider selling your products online.  It can feel like a risk to make the leap and have a website built for e-commerce but I think you will find the return is worth the gamble.  If you already have a retail business, the extra investment is small.  Revenues to consider:

  • Amazon Marketplace
  • Google Marketplace
  • Ebay
  • Web Store

A well built e-commerce site will streamline all four locations and allow you to sell at more than just your personal website.  For just a few thousand dollars, you will go from have one store location to five.  Not too bad.

Don’t go with just any online shopping cart.  Choose one that is user friendly, easy to use, integrates with other shop engines. 

If you are considering e-commerce, give me a call.  First consultations are free.

Check our one of the sites I helped build: